Sunday, September 27, 2009

Targets for 4Q2009

The year 2009 is fast coming to an end. Each day seems to go past so quickly. A day feels like an hour; a week feels like a day; a month feels like a week.

I have 3 months left to prepare my son for kindergarten. Three short months. I've to be very focused on what I'd like my son to achieve.

These are my targets for 4Q2009, in relation to preparing him for kindy:

Living skills:
- to be able to verbalise that he needs to urinate
- to be able to sit on the WC or potty to poo
- to do more self feeding
- to suck water from his tumbler

- to have louder & clearer speech such that another adult can understand him most of the time
- to express his wants & discomforts

Pre-writing skills:
- to improve his pencil grip
- to correctly produce the strokes for all the alphabets & numbers

Academic skills:
- to recognise more high frequency non-decodeable words
- to develop his pre-maths skills (grouping, sequencing, patterns, measurement)

Now that I've listed them down, I'm reminded again of how far behind my son is compared to his peers. Those targets are stuff I've been working towards for a while now, amongst many other targets. The targets above which involve his motor functions (speech, living skills) have been slow to achieve. Academic targets (reading, numbers) have been much much easier to achieve.

Although I feel discouraged seeing the list, I must not give up, for his sake. I must be patient. I must be focused. I must give him lots of opportunities to practice. I must be positive.

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