Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Best Buddies" Programme

In response to my posting on "Will he have friends?", I received an email last night, from a mother who briefly shared her experiences about her disabled son in relation to friendship.

This made me think further and perhaps I'll write more about how I perceive the Malaysian society in general, views persons with disabilities and how things could be different. But I'll leave that for a future posting.

What I do want to highlight in this posting is of what I read about some months back which is rather encouraging. I happened to recall it this morning.

I came across a programme called "Best Buddies" Programme. It started off in US and has a local chapter set up in 2008 at UCSI University. The club/society aims to help form friendships between college students and people with learning disabilities. From the photos posted, there are at least 2 persons in the group with physical disabilities as well.

Perhaps there will be more positive steps in the wider society in reaching out to understand, to engage, to see the beauty in persons who are disabled.

Read for yourself about it's activities (bowling outing, kite flying in Kepong, a Talent Show, Disability Awareness Workshop, Pot Luck) and a simple touching account of one of the students and her new friend with Down Syndrome:

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