Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Maths vocabulary of "1st, 2nd, 3rd"

Many weeks ago I started introducing the maths vocabulary of first, second, third. I did this in various settings on various days (I dont do it daily). I didnt purposely create an activity to teach him that vocabulary.
Examples of when I mentioned that vocabulary:
- whilst waiting for the horse carriage at Titiwangsa Park
- while observing cars on the road
- while climbing up ladders at the playground
- while walking up the stairs at home
- while observing raindrops falling down the sliding door (see older post:

A week ago, he said it himself, without me prompting. Then a few days ago he said it again, without prompting, this time whilst about to climb up a ladder.

Last weekend while playing Mega bloks, he used that vocabulary again on his own when he lined up the "vehicles" I built for him.

So I think the point is that you may not need to create specific activities as you can build it into daily activities, but you do need to repeat many times (as with learning any new skill).

Mega Bloks vehicles, from left to right (use your imagination!):
long truck, car, long van

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