Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Music class - 24 Oct 09

There were several firsts at last Saturday's music class:

(1) The class was the most fun for him ever. Very excited! He likes music class but he's never been that happy at music class.

(2) He's also never been that active in class. He was "jumping" up and down, moving around so much. He worked up a sweat towards the end of class! In fact I've never seen all 3 boys being so active at the same time.

(3) He was copying the physical movements of the 2 older boys. For example, when J was running around with his fingers shaped like an imaginary gun, my son followed suit (but his "gun" was just the pointer finger without the thumb sticking up). When A was on the floor spinning around, he imitated (except there wasn't enough space for him to spin). When either one ran to the kitchen, he followed. I think he'll love kindergarten! He obviously has a lot more confidence in his movements now.

(4) He was echoing some of the things the boys or the boy's mothers said. For e.g. when A's mum called out A's name, he copied.

(5) He sang part of the "do, do, so, so, la, la, so" for the first time in class. But he didnt sing it when he was supposed to sing it with the mike. He instead sang it after, when the teacher was busy trying to playback the recording.

(6) J came out to say goodbye to my son (out of his own initiative I think, cos his mum was talking to the teacher inside the house) as we were about to cross the road. At that point, J seemed genuinely happy.  I was very happy that J seemed to have "accepted" my son. Most of the time, it's the mums or teacher who'd ask the child to give my son a goodbye hug or a high-five. Perhaps it's an early indication that my son has a friend.

There was one activity where the boys were supposed to play follow the leader in moving around the 2 chairs. Each boy took turns being the leader. It was hilarious watching them when J & A were the leaders. My son was already hyped up and it was difficult for him to follow the leader's path for more than 15 sec.

I think it was a bit too much for his body and brain to process: the music was on, each of the boys had 2 hand bells, they were supposed to shake both their arms to the rhythm, they were supposed to look at the leader (to know which path the leader takes), all on top of making marching movements with their legs. But it was very funny to watch!

Of course, my son never liked having other follow behind him. He must be the one following other people. He simply doesnt feel safe having others behind him. I think it's because he's worried that others might knock him off balance from behind.

So when it came to my son's turn to be leader, I already had a mental picture of the outcome...and it was indeed hilarious. I laughed so hard that there were tears in my eyes!

There were of course more serious learning points from the class. But it was clearly the most fun for my son. I wished I had videotaped the entire session!

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