Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cranial sacral therapy

He had his Cranial sacral therapy yesterday. His therapist noted that his back shoulder muscles were so much looser, not stiff.

She also pointed out that his sitting posture was so much better. Indeed, I had noticed a few nights prior that he sat with his back totally straight, all by himself. He was seated on his little chair, at a slight distance from the back of the chair. I moved away from him to look at his was parallel to the chair's back. Wow. I was so happy.

She also pointed out how he was moving effortlessly picking up the toy cars from his right, moving them to his left (crossing his midline), whilst seated cross legged, and not losing his balance or tilting backwards. He was turning his trunck. He looked just like a "normal" boy doing so. I was really happy.

It may take several more therapy sessions with her & various more activities to "permanently" fix it, but I'm just happy enough seeing him in that brief moment & knowing that it is achievable.

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