Monday, October 5, 2009

Grocery shopping

It was just my son & I doing the fortnightly grocery shopping at Tesco this morning - I enjoy such times with him alone. I built in various learning opportunities whilst there, and he got his exercise with the Neurosuit.

Apart from the usual vocabulary building (naming of fruits & veg) the learning opportunities included stuff like:
- directions & learning to listen (turn left, go straight, slow down, look left/right);
- patience (wait while I choose an item, wait at the weighing counter & praising him);
- selecting veg & fruits (red tomatos are sweeter, hollow sounding watermelons are juicier);
- being aware of surroundings (watching out for other trolleys);
- doing what's right even when no one is watching (he accidentally knocked down some dog shampoo containers with the trolley, so I placed each one back on the shelves)
- it's ok to ask for help (couldnt find stuff)
- doughnuts are a special treat when it's on offer!

I got in 2 hours of these exercises in the Neurosuit:
- walking & pushing the empty and then heavy trolley
- running without the trolley
- walking sideways facing the trolley
- bending down to pick up things
- stretching his arms up to place things into the trolley

I unfortunately had an unpleasant encounter while at the check out counter. I'll write about it in my next post.

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