Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Progress of his speech: A peek into his mind

Now that he's speaking a lot more, we are getting more insights into his development. And we are getting more entertainment value from his speech - he makes us laugh with some of the things he says!

I'm so bad at remembering the stuff he says throughout the day that makes my helper and I laugh, that I wish I could go round with a voice recorder the entire day, just to record those spontaneous things he says.

I reckon I'm forgetful on this aspect because I've so much on my mind. My poor husband is missing out on all the insights into our son's mind...perhaps he could spend the entire day with my son to experience the joy and funny stuff, for himself, while I try to clear out my backlog of errands and "To Do" list!

An example that gives us a peek into his mind:
"After your nap and a smoothie, we'll go to the club for a swim."
"I don't know how to swim. I see only (I'll only watch others swim). I play water (I'll just play in the water). It's too cold (he's not used to the cool water)."
"No, the water won't be too cold. It's hot today."
"Ooh, so hot today!" (he makes some body movement to show that he's hot)

Another time, my helper was messing around with him as he was about to have his nap and lay in bed smelling his blanket (he loves his blanket).
"You talk to your blanket la"
"No, no, no, blanket cannot talk"

A few minutes later, she went back into his room & he was still smelling his blanket.
"Go, talk to your blanket"
"Blanket no eyes, no mouth, no face, cannot talk."

Last night, I was trying to 'catch' a toy magnetic fish with a fishing rod from another set, but the magnet wasn't strong enough to lift up the fish. Each time I tried and it fell off, I said something like this...
"Oh, no! It fell off again. Ooohh, I'm not good at this game. It's so hard. Eeeh....I caught one...here it comes up....oh no! It fell down again"

After several times trying, he responded:
"try again, try again, try again, don't give up"
It's the second time he responded that way. I wanted to teach him not to give up, which is very important in life, especially for him. I'm really glad that his music teacher had created that song, which I had reinforced a few times at home in different scenarios. So now, it looks like he has correctly absorbed the concept, which is a first step. I hope he learns to apply it from early on in life too.

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