Sunday, July 19, 2009

Resuming activities after illness

It's been 2 weeks of reduced activities due to his illness (& me being sick too). He completed his course of antibiotics on Friday. His last round of nebuliser was on Thursday night.

Butterfly hill
Yesterday we resumed his gross motor activity. Just had about 10min of outdoor activity in the morning at the neighbourhood park. We climbed the small hill (I named it butterfly hill) to look for butterflies but didnt find any this time. Instead we were counting wild mushrooms. Introduced addition of bigger numbers. E.g 4+3 = 7. He knows how to add one more, but not add 2 or more than 2.

I chose this form of exercise because after 2 weeks without such exercise, he began to walk on tip toe more often & his walk was getting broadbased. So, climbing hills (the steeper the better, within limits of course) would stretch his achilles, gastroc muscles etc.

The grassy gently undulating terrain there was also good for him - balance! Since he loves to run in wide open spaces, it was perfect. No need to persuade him, or think of ways to trick him into it.

Crash mattress

What is it?
It's basically a large sack (with side zip) containing chunky pieces of foam in uneven sizes. The sack is about the size of a single mattress. It's on loan from his therapist - many thanks!

Lately, he seems keen on walking & running on slightly uneven surface (his normal mattress with blankets, cushions scattered!) & he's getting better at it. So I repositioned his "obstacle course" to incorporate the crash mattress.

It's for his balance. To walk on it, he still needs to hold my hand. Its too tricky - pieces are never in the same place.

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