He started his weekly music class in Feb'09. He only became comfortable after 2 months there. Today, he was a lot more comfortable/confident – e.g. went forward to teacher when other students do the same without me prompting; he approached the teacher for the white board marker & wanted to draw even though not his turn yet
- Class starts with each child playing "Twinkle twinkle" with the teacher: he wanted to play it instead of being guided by teacher. He can’t as yet, so at times he played the wrong keys. It’s ok for now cos I do not practice that piece with him at home & it shows he’s becoming a bit more confident.
- he drew music notes but needed step by step instruction
- teacher gave him markers with different thickness to stretch his pincer grasp muscles a little
- he tried to clap according to rhythm (5, 6, se-ven, 8) but cant yet
- he "sang" simplified version of the minuette - teacher plays one note at a time & gets him to follow e.g. teacher plays the note "la" and asks him to sing "la"
- he played the chorus of "Old Mc Donald" (it's just the note "fa" repeated many times) on the mini keyboard & on the musical bell – he was better on keyboard than on bell. He could almost get the right timing with the keyboard
- he still grips the other children's hand too tightly during circle time - when he's excited, his muscles tighten.
Unlocking the door
- he needs to stretch up to reach up to the height of the keyhole;
- I've to place the key into the keyhole inside first, then he's able to push it in fully;
- he now knows the direction to turn the key when unlocking (anti-clockwise);
- he can now turn the key but needs help when actual unlocking (the "click" moment) because it's needs a bit more strength (wrist movement);
- after unlocking I've to pull the key out a little, then he can pull out the rest of the key;
- used his left hand to pull down the lever cos right hand holding key;
- balancing & co-ordination required (cos he’s on tip toe) when pulling down the lever & simultaneously pushing open the door
- these help with hand eye, fine motor, grasping, creativity
Bananas in pyjamas
- today’s episode was all on nursery rhymes with action E.g. I’m a little teapot; Here we go round the Mulberry bush; Head & shoulders.
- we carried on that theme (action songs) in the restaurant while waiting for the bill
Dinner at restaurant
- I placed some ice chips on hands to stimulate senses
- He used both hands to grasp (palm grasp) the glass & raise it up & down. I allowed it cos it helps open up the palm & it wasnt a fancy restaurant
- We played games to get him to stretch arms wide open & high up E.g. when he spots aeroplane (it's outdoor dining), or sees a long bus pass by
- We made up games to get him to move his arms based on the cars passing by (we use his interest as much as possible)
- I tried to massage his muscles near his shoulder blade but he was too ticklish
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