Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sleep - 26 Aug 09

He woke in the middle of the night, coughing. He must have kicked off his blanket again. I usually stay up till past 12 to make sure the temperature of the room is neither too hot or too cold.

When it's a little too hot, he'll sweat & wake up crying, which then requires me to carry & walk him around the room. Then, it's very easy for him to catch a chill because his pyjamas is wet with the sweat & the room is cool (not cold). He seems to be able to tolerate a very small temperature range for his night sleep.

Last night, I was too tired & fell asleep with him. I didnt check that he was covered under his blanket. He usually tosses & turns & crawls around before he falls asleep so he doesnt stay covered up for long. Thankfully, it was a very cool night and we didn't need to turn on the air-conditioner. So even though he has a little bit sweaty, his shirt was a little damp. He was uncomfortable, perhaps from a bad dream of a stuffy nose, to need a little more consolation than usual. Quickly started his sleeping CD & in a half panicky manner, rocked him back to sleep. Panicky because he might cough so hard to dislodge his phelgm that he vomits. Panicky because if it was a very bad dream, he'll cry so hard that he vomits.

He's odd when it comes to music for his sleep. From a young age, he didnt like slow melancholy, instrumental ones, the type that was purposefully designed to promote sleep. Nope! For over a year, he's favourite CDs for falling asleep to were: Lighthouse Family's Postcards From Heaven & Texas' White on Blond. Then the Postcards from Heaven album got scratched, and he moved on to Shania Twain. Now, he's added Enya to his repertoire. Sigh, no Mozarts for this little one.

We found him a new blanket which seems just right. Not too thick, not too hot, not too heavy, not too big. Placed it just right so that if he rolls either way, it'll still cover his torso, but not his legs. He hates having his legs covered. Maybe he feels trapped that way as it'll be harder for him to move around given his already impaired gross motor skills.

Thankfully, he slept peacefully the rest of the night & so did I. We both woke feeling fresh & ready to start the day. Perhaps I should switch to blogging during his naptime & get a longer stretch of sleep at night.

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