Friday, August 7, 2009

Evening Exercise in Neurosuit-7 Aug 09

I was quite tired cos he woke up several times last night & I had an early start & errands to run today. But, after several days of bad haze, it finally cleared this evening with an added bonus of a cool breeze. So I didnt want to give up this opportunity to get him to the nieghbourhood park, but I brought my helper along (for back-up support cos by late afternoon, I had a bad headache, body ache, felt very heaty).

We were there for about 30mins. He did quite a variety of gross motor exercises, but in short bursts.

What did he do?
At the steep hill, he walked up (very challenging in his suit); walked backwards down (just 5 steps, then he turned around & said "too steep"; walked forwards down

At the hilly terrain, he walked & ran around

On the pavement, he walked/ran (alternating) all the way down past the houses. On his way back up past the houses, he walked backwards (we name it moonwalking), sideways, slowly, quickly etc.

I introduced him to counting by twos. Odd numbered houses were on one side of the road, so it's easy to introduce this concept. For e.g. starting at house # 5, I'd say... hey look at the number at this house. Let's add 2 to that number...and walk to the next house to get the answer . He wasnt interested beyond doing 3 houses. That's ok cos this is the 1st time I'm introducing it.

At the children's playground, he climbed the 2 rung ladder (with help), walked up the 3 step stairs holding onto both sides for support (but at least he could lift up his feet by himself, which is difficult in the suit), went down the twin slide with me, used his finger to "write" / follow the etched numbers (0-9).

I've just started to teach him to walk further forward at the top of the slide, before he sits down. He usually sits too far back at the top & needs to shuffle his bum a lot further forward before he can slide down. I believe it's because he's afraid of falling head first, down the slide. But now that I know he's better at balance & better at controlling his muscles, it's time to correct that. But i wont pressure him - only when he feels comfortable enough.

- apart from his usual speech he finally started to use the word "missing". Previously just says "oh-oh" to indicate something's missing/something's wrong. Each time, he uses "oh oh" for something that's missing, I'd say "missing" out loud & try to get him to say it instead of "oh oh". Being crazy over cars, today he said "missing...Toyota Unser" (he remembers there's usually a Unser & Kancil parked at the top of the road).

- when I climbed up the slide the wrong way (ie. as though I was climbing a hill), to get him to do the same, he said very loudly & clearly "COME DOWN!". I was very happy.

- on 2 separate occassions, he was trying to warn other kids on the opposite side of the road to look out for cars cos they were walking on the road instead of on the pavement. He said "be car". He wasnt loud enough or clear enough. He said it too fast, missing out some phonemes. I think he was excited. But, eventually I know he will be able to say it loud enough & clear enough. For now, I'm happy that he wants to & tried to communicate with others & that he knows it's dangerous to walk on the road!

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