Monday, December 20, 2010

Craft activity - corn

This was one of the first craft activities we did during the school holidays. It's quick, simple, I had all the materials on hand and he liked the picture on the website so we did it even though it was part of a Thanksgiving theme (Thanksgiving isn't celebrated here).

I found it on one of the many kids education/activity related websites. I have recently been surfing on many of those websites that I've forgotten where I saw this.

I cut the pieces of paper and he helped to glue them on. He placed glue on the "corn", scooped various types of beans and grains from containers, and scattered them on the corn. Even though each step was assisted, he still did some bits of it himself.

I found it's good for fine motor, sensory, and hand-eye coordination. I did a lot of craft work with him during the school holidays as it's a fun way to get in fine motor practice. He gets to open and close the glue cap, to squeeze the glue bottle, open and close tupperwares containing the craft materials, use both hands together, figure things out himself, etc etc.

There's of course the creative element to it - I've not emphasised creative skills in the past.

He also gets a sense of achievement which I hope will boost his confidence. He was very pleased with this piece of work and showed it off to papa when he came home.

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