Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mild cold

He's sick. Just a mild cold, with some phlegm and cough. Didn't attend school since Wednesday.

Went to see a doctor this morning, just to get Promethezine actually, as I was running low. It was such a long wait...2 hours + (excluding the wait to buy back lunch). Sigh.

Luckily my husband came along (he's sick too and needed to see the doctor!) so he waited inside the clinic which was packed with sick people, while my son and I waited at a cafe and later on, in the car.

He must have been tired from this morning's wait. He fell asleep at 5.45pm and is still asleep as I write this at 9pm. Will need to change him into pyjamas and a jumper soon. I hope I dont wake him up.

Not sure where he caught the virus from...

I was mildly sick again about 1-2 weeks ago with a night time chesty cough, so I might have passed it to him. I suspected he was on the verge of falling ill the past week cos he seemed tired quite often and didn't sleep long enough or peacefully at nights.

On Monday night, he fell asleep in his T-shirt and shorts after an outing to Desa Parkcity. I didnt want to wake him to change him into pyjamas and jumper, and just covered him with his duvet. But he kicked it off several times at night even though I kept putting the duvet back on. That wouldn't have been good for him.

Or it could be that he caught the virus from school. On Friday, 3 classmates were absent. On Monday, his teacher and 2 other teachers were sick. On Tuesday, 4 classmates were absent.

Do please pray for a speedy recovery. I want him to get back into his physiotherapy routine, and practice for his school concert, and to be his happy energetic self again.


  1. Thanks. I'm staying up late cos I'm worried. I've just applied the Olbas Oil because he coughed a few minutes ago. Thank you so much for the bottle!
