Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Results show where attention goes

Tonight, I thought I’d take a break from making word lists and write on my blog. But I don’t know where to start cos I’ve not been updating it regularly the last two months or so.

So, what should I write about...

...Should I write about the books he’s read?

...The fine motor activities we’ve done?

...The progress in toilet training?

...The numeracy activities?

...The questions he’s been asking?

...The little stutter he’s developed?

...The Montessori Blue series word lists I’m making?

...His curiosity in our daily chores?

...The amount of time spent researching before buying an air filter?

...The amount of time spent researching on international schools (inc getting lost going there)?

...My wish for a caterer that cooks and delivers healthy food to relieve me from my cooking duties?

...My worry whether he can sit still for an hour to do an assessment that’s usually required of international schools before accepting your child?

...My wish that I could work to pay for his school fees at an exorbitant international school that’s nearer our home, instead of a much cheaper one that’s in Kajang?

...My wish to start hyperbaric oxygen therapy NOW but likely having to postpone it to year end school holidays cos he’s catching all kinds of viruses from school?

...My worry over whether his falling ill is my doing – is he not drinking enough water? Is he not sleeping enough? Is he not getting the right amount of and type of nutrition? Is he not washing his hands often enough?

Well, I feel I’m spreading myself a bit too thin. Is my attention on too many areas?

But he’s not even resumed his CST therapy or physiotherapy in his Neurosuit since he fell ill. I’ve not even resumed any outdoor gross motor activities (to build up his strength and stamina again). That would be another big area that requires a lot of time and energy.

Looks like I’ve not yet achieved that elusive balance: gross motor, fine motor, oral motor, speech, self care, life skills, literacy, numeracy, household duties, wifely duties(!). People in the workforce talk of achieving a work-life balance whilst I struggle even without being in paid employment! LOL.

Results show where attention goes. I remember reading that from a friend’s blog some time back (MH, is it copyrighted?!). With God’s blessings, I truly hope I see results soon!

As I write this, I’m honestly not stressed. I take pleasure from doing all those activities with him, tiring as they are. I was also happy to have cooked up a simple delicious dinner, especially when I received a “two thumbs up” rating from him! : D

But we will go back to school tomorrow. Past experience tells me that being his shadow aide and the crazy hot weather will drain all the energy from me by noon. I guess I’ll be reaching for a bottle of the chicken essence and a CoQ10 capsule tomorrow morning! LOL.

1 comment:

  1. Nope, not copyrighted. :) But you'll see the phrase pop up here and there amongst 'motivational gurus'. You're doing a magnificent job of caring for your son, no matter how crappy you may feel on some days when results don't seem to show.

    Just gotta keep on keeping on.
