Monday, July 12, 2010

Toilet training progress

One afternoon a few weeks ago, he told me he needed to go to toilet. Then he surprised me by asking me not to follow him. That was the very first time he went to toilet to urinate by himself.

Unfortunately, he has only repeated that on only one more occasion. I know that it’s challenging for him to do it by himself if the elastic bands are not loose or if the shirt is too long or if the call of nature is too urgent etc. Still, it shows that he is moving ahead, and it’s just that it’s slow.

A few weeks ago, he started having dry diapers in the morning. He would wake up crying at night wanting to go to toilet to urinate. But when asked, he said he wasn’t ready to go without diapers at night. Then one night when he fell asleep in the car coming home, I decided to try to leave him in his underwear. From then on, he’s been totally diaper-free!

His progress towards being dry by night happened a lot faster than I expected. That’s because it took over a year for him to learn to use the toilet. I’m very happy.

One thing that puzzles me is that about an hour after falling asleep, he’d wake up crying (that’s even though he went to toilet right before going to bed) He’ll want to be taken to toilet to urinate. But he’d still be crying in the toilet and would then be unable to urinate. He’d go back to bed still crying, and want to go back to the toilet again. He’d usually be able to urinate at the second visit. Sometimes this whole little drama repeats itself two or three times at night, every night. I do not understand why he cries. I’ve assured him that it’s ok if he has an accident, that I’m still proud of him, that it’s normal to wake up at night to urinate etc.

Any idea how to help him not cry?

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