Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Neurosuit therapy progress

His therapist has been absolutely great! He has been able to motivate my son to work hard each session and the progress has been good.

My son is able to take wider side steps, his balance has improved, his speech is louder, he’s talking more, he’s able to walk up the step boxes, he’s more confident in jumping (falling actually) off a surface unto a crash mattress/ball pit etc.

Apart from the muscular/physical improvements, his therapist has been great in helping him with his social and other skills.

The therapist is tall, muscular and talks to him in a loud voice, so my son is now less afraid of people with loud commanding voices.

The therapist is creative enough to disguise the exercises as different scenarios – e.g. a commando in training, a footballer in training, sports day games.

The therapist is also a trained CST therapist and so does CST for my son too. During those sessions, he engages in casual conversation that is different from conversations with mama (ie. boy-to-boy talk).

He has given my son the confidence that he can do things without needing me to be by his side helping him, and that is a very important lesson towards independence!

It’s also great that I can leave him in good hands during these sessions, while I’m in the area next to the gym (I can hear what’s going on and do peep in occasionally), updating my blog, or creating new flashcards, or preparing new materials. It’s given me a bit of breathing space and eased my workload (it’s so tiring to exercise with him). Ideally of course, I’d rather be sleeping during that 1.5 hours! : P

Unfortunately, he’ll be leaving in about 10 days time for Australia to pursue his post graduate studies.

Fortunately, there is another Neurosuit therapist in the family – his mother (who’s also my son’s regular CST therapist). I’m looking forward to further progress!

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