Sunday, July 25, 2010

Diarrhoea, fever, runny nose and chesty cough

His diarrhoea started on Wednesday night but it is now finally under control with stronger medicine (Buscopan for the tummy cramps and Kaolin bind the bacteria). It started with extremely smelly passing of wind, then came the runny stools. We took Thursday and Friday off from school.

His fever started on Thursday but was thankfully mild. I was really worried when from Thursday evening onwards, he passed out slight blood in his runny stools, but the doctor said that it’s common because of the frequent passing of stools.

I do not know where or how he caught the stomach bug, but there are the usual suspects.

Hygiene is not high on the kindergarten’s priority list. Kids do not wash their hands after using the toilet. They only wash with soap before snack time. On top of that, the liquid soap provided is extremely diluted, to the extent I’ve to pump it twice to get a bit of lather. Shoes are not taken off when entering the class, so mud, dirt, germs etc are brought in from the garden (after PE) and from the toilet floors. For their age group, quite a lot of teaching is still done with the kids seated on the floor. Then, there are some kids who touch just about everything, including the food in your lunch box! Sigh. So, I’ll be bringing along a hand sanitiser in his bag and teaching him how to use it.

The other usual suspect is my helper. She comes from a different culture where hygiene is not emphasised. Despite repeated reminders to wash her hands and being clean, she keeps on “surprising” me. After 4 months of reminders to wash, I recently found out that when I’m not looking, she merely rinses with just water rather than with soap!

The other possibility is that reheated food might not have been reheated properly despite instruction to have it reheated for at least 15 mins. I often do not have time to cook twice a day, so excess food from lunch is kept in the fridge and reheated for dinner for my son and I.

He started having a runny nose on Friday but that too has stopped along with the fever.

However, today, he started having a chesty coughing. That’s never a good sign. But at least he’s now less cranky (I’d be too from having 10 or more trips to the toilet in a day!) and able to rest better with the diarrhoea arrested.

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