Today in e-science class, they learnt about stems and trunks. He found it interesting when the picture showed a white flower turned red after being placed in a red liquid (to demonstrate how stems transport water). Generally, he’s quite interested when I get the chance to explain stuff about nature. It’s unfortunate that I can’t do it more often.

It quickly instead turned into an opportunity to teach science. It’s one thing to learn it via pictures in a workbook or images projected on a wall. But I think it’s far more interesting (and he’s more likely to remember) if shown the real thing.

He enjoyed it. For e.g. he ran to another part of the garden to point out how different the leaves were on a plant there.
Actually a few weeks ago I thought of a craft activity that mirrors what was taught. But there are a few more pieces needed. Will write about it when I finally get it together.
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