There are several animals in the series. I bought the snake as it was the easiest to squeeze. It’s sold at RM9 per animal. I found it being sold at Amazon UK site for under GBP0.89 which is cheaper (but probably not worth it after adding the postage, unless you’ve UK friends coming back to M’sia).
This toy not only helps him strengthen his grip but also involves hand eye co-ordination, and more arm muscle strength as the toy is top-heavy. I have him use the toy to pick up coloured cotton balls from the floor or from a large container, and place it elsewhere. Sounds simple to you and me, but that’s quite a bit of motor co-ordination required apart from just strength!
I tried looking for a similar toy elsewhere but haven’t found one. There was a toy that looked like a trash grabber (based on concept) but it was difficult for me to squeeze, and it couldn’t grab well. It’s much easier to pick up things with this toy cos the mouth of the animal is hollow. It’s also so much easier to get him to use is cos it’s cute.
This was bought from Daiso, (the Japanese shop where everything is sold at RM5) The Curve branch. (Thanks for recommending the place, Yvonne!) Place the end of it in a container of liquid, squeeze and release to draw the liquid into the tube.
I use it with water that has food colouring in it, for him to have some fun. That way, he learns about mixing primary colours to get secondary colours, while getting in the grip strengthening exercise and hand-eye co-ordination.
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